The Sun City Festival Ranch active adult community contains a nationally recognized 16-court pickleball complex and provides residents with tournament level play through both national league tournaments and community related events. In 2013, this pickleball complex hosted the USAPA National Tournament, as well as five prior national tournaments. The amenities within the facility make it especially sought after, including lighting for all 16 courts, spectator seating under canvas shade structures, onsite restrooms, as well as a large shaded event ramada space for gathering and event day tournament signup. The pop-up tent areas neighboring the parking lot and event ramada, provides the additional programmed event and social space that compliments all the activity going on at the courts. Pickleball is one of the fastest growing sports in Arizona, and this complex sees considerable usage throughout the year.
Client Name
Pulte Homes/Del Webb
Buckeye, Arizona
Project Type
3.98 Acres
Services Rendered
Land Planning
Site Planning
Master Planning
Entitlement Services
Landscape Architecture
Character & Theming
Marketing Trail Visualization
Cost Estimates & Budget Analysis
Grading Design
Construction Services
Design Features
Pickleball Complex